Brothels and Sex Parties and Orgies Oh My! (Fiction) My Erotic Encounters (Fiction)

I Invited Everyone I Know to a Sex Party


Hello sexy readers… I’m finally back with a bit of fiction. For once, this piece is a intentionally comedic and tongue in cheek. I think I share one small thing in common with the great late musical artist Prince… I have so much stuff in the vault that I think is not ready for the world. Yet once again, I skipped all that stuff for this new piece. I just had an itch.


The invitation list includes:

✅ My oldest friend, who thinks anything beyond chicken breast is fancy, and probably won’t eat it.

✅ As many old co-workers as I could reach or remember, even though I haven’t worked in an office for over ten years.

✅ Childhood friends, high school friends, college friends, the neighbors.

✅ Everyone who doesn’t know my inner sexually-adventuresome self, all of whom would never suspect this, because they think I’m a decent, upstanding human being, which of course I am anyway, because one’s sexuality does not define their quality as a human being, and they should only be judged on whether they are a good person or not.

✅ Old lovers.

✅ New lovers.

✅ My favorite barista.

All were invited to my sex party, the first one I would create and produce. I spent a long time on this thing. I know all about creating a safe space, including sobriety, consent, and the other three of the four C’s- care, communication, and confidentiality.

I know how to throw a good, organized event. I’m a great planner, strategic and tactical, but I also know the secret that many do not…

Amateurs discuss strategy. Professionals discuss logistics.

And I logistic-ed the fuck out of this event. The venue. The itinerary. The upcoming vetting of attendees, orientation, education, and buy-in of the rules. Without the rules, you don’t have a viable event, you don’t a safe environment, you don’t have any way to be settled and centered enough to shed your inhibitions… which isn’t that what a sex party is about?

Just don’t ask how I know so much about planning this kind of space, this kind of event. Ask me no questions, and I’ll tell you no lies.

So here’s the rub, no pun intended. Attendees will be vetted. Invitees were not. This went out to everyone I know. Worse than a Reply-All sent by accident, this was a Send-to-All, sent on purpose.

How many will think I’m crazy? How many are game, but I never knew it?

How many may have read this piece, not knowing it was me who wrote it, who then asked themselves the questions posed within? And, how many of these have been secretly yearning to find a venue to explore their answers to those questions?

Let’s see what the RSVPs look like.


Story Notes:

I really had the itch to write, even if just a few hundred quick words.
I also wanted to write a weird, short, funny, quirky, outrageous, imagination-bending story. So I wrote this. Enjoy!

Again, this is fiction, do not try this at home!


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