My Erotic Encounters (Fiction)

Warm Times on a Cold Night, Part 1

Part 1

I leave the swirling snow outside as I walk through the double doors of the boutique hotel, along with my co-workers. I’m not sure if you are there yet, because the weather has gone downhill during the day. Since I didn’t know exactly when I’d be arriving, either, I had asked you to wait next to the fireplace at the little bar that comprises the left half of the hotel lobby.

I steal a glance over and notice you as my group concludes with end-of-the-day chit-chat and good-nights. After a long day, and because of the weather, it sounds like they will go upstairs and order room service.

When I checked in the day before, I made sure that I checked in last to make sure my room was on a different floor, unlike last time, where one co-worker was next door, and another was right across the hall. After five minutes or so, when my group finally breaks up, I walk to the bar and order a red wine, waiting for a minute or two for the elevator to fetch them from the hallway off the lobby. The coast is clear.

Wine in hand, I stroll over to join you at the little round table next to the fire. You are looking good. You still have your coat on, and I wonder what lies underneath. I’m feeling warm now, and it’s not just the fire. We greet in a way appropriate for a man and a woman to greet in public and finally begin to get to know each other in person. I learn about your trip, and you hear a bit of my day as we both anticipate what awaits, just by looking into each other’s eyes. The anticipation is both a tease and a delight. There is an unmistakable electric current about, yet we are enjoying this casual personal moment.

After a little more time in our quiet corner of the lobby, we pass up an opportunity to dine as we mutually decide that our other hunger is what needs to be immediately satisfied. We make our way to the elevators and wait for our ride to the top floor. Once inside the elevator, we resist the urge to passionately kiss and explore each other as the camera in the corner unmistakably blinks its little red light. Instead, my hand discreetly finds its way to your rear, where I caress your butt cheeks, while the fire in your eyes threatens to betray our secrets to the observing camera.

In the hallway, we maintain appearances for a few more excruciating moments as we walk to the end and round the corner to my room. Seconds seem like hours as I slide my room key to unlock the door. The quiet click of the opening lock is like a final burden released…



Story Notes:
I wrote this story at a boutique hotel in Wisconsin, in the middle of a blizzard, during a business trip. The lobby was nicer and more plush than most at that particular business hotel chain.

The fireplace was warm, the crackling sounds comforting in that way that they can only be at night when it’s frigid outside. I sat away from the busier part of the lobby in the cozy, darker area near the small bar, warming up from my time outdoors.

I was letting my mind wander, watching people coming and going, seeing the relief on their faces as they crossed the blustery threshold into the hotel. In entered a businesswoman who was relatively non-descript, dressed for business, but not severely. She was about my age and normal looking, whatever that is, the girl-next-door. I discreetly could not take my eyes off of her as she walked to the check-in desk. There was something about her that was incredibly sexy to me, and my mind wandered even more…

I’m presenting this story in two parts because that’s how it was written. I wrote part one in the lobby, part two in the room.


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